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This week I intended to create some places throughout the house as sort of focus points to remind me of my spiritual views. I find that having physical reminders around can be a pretty effective way to remind and ground.

I was annoyed at myself for not actually making this happen, but, though the reminders weren’t created, many were found:















I guess the reminders are always there, I just have to remember to look around (as well as within).

I still intend to create some physical reminders, but, in the meantime, I think it’s more important for me to grow in awareness of the spirit in and around us. I need to stop trying to force it and allow myself to be mindful and present and appreciate the life I have the privilege to live.


I’m feeling grateful this evening…not really sure how to put it in words at the moment, so I decided to do a bit of dabbling in the poetry realm (not usually my thing, but sometimes the narrative needs mixed up).

With love and light,


The Offering

Spirit journeys through the night

Fluttering among memories

Softly landing here and there

Gathering love, gathering moments of peace

Weaving a tapestry of grateful light,

An offering of thanks

An offering of comfort for those lost in the dark.

So, I may be slightly addicted to taking pictures with my phone…and it appears I have passed this trait on to my daughter.

She now can unlock the phone, open the camera, and take pictures.  This morning while I was making breakfast, she decided to have a photo shoot of her foot, pig, and duck.  Out of the 17 pictures she took, I thought this one portrayed the sock fuzz quite nicely 😀


She’s such an amazing little being.  I feel overwhelmingly blessed to have her in my life.


(Why yes, those are my socks, and that is the bottom of an 8 bit holiday wreath in the background).

We attempted to get Rudie in the holiday spirit today:

IMG_5473She was not thrilled, but was a good sport as always, and got lots of hugs and kisses:


On the creative attempts front, we turned a cardboard box into a stove and sink:


You really don’t need the expensive play kitchen when you have imagination and the ducks need a bath.  Plus our version doubles as a hideout/toy nap den:


I am so very lucky.  I hope your day is full of love…

and ducks


and ridiculous adorableness  IMG_5436

I really appreciate how much my daughter teaches me to slow down and appreciate what’s around me.  The other day we were on a walk and she sat in the middle of the sidewalk while we split an apple.  Sitting there next to her made my day!  We munched on the apple while looking around at the beautiful fall day.  I just love her so much! 😀

Today’s creative space pursuit (day four: woot woot!) included a trip to the craft store to get supplies to make Kaja’s Halloween costume as well as some felt for a felt activity board.  This evening, after I got kiddo to bed, I did the next faze of transforming the “monstrosity.”  Soon I will be able to start adding designs!  I will definitely have to get more paint to cover the rest of it.  The picture doesn’t do the color justice:

I love love love love love snuggles. Happy sigh. 🙂

Kaja fell asleep on my shoulder while giving me a hug today. Fills me with happiness just thinking about it.

I have to say, I am very blessed to have the life I do. I have a hard working partner, a wonderful daughter, and a loving family. So much to be grateful for.

I’m at a place in my life now where I feel truly happy. Sure there are times when I get stressed, or frustrated, or sad, but for the most part, I’m a genuine sparkly-rainbow-unicorn-dance-in-the-rain sort of person. I’m the type of person who will drag you outside to excitedly point out the new flower that just opened, or take a bajillion pictures of the trees and sky because it’s just so freakin’ amazing, or puddle jump until I’m muddy and soaked.

The interesting piece is that this wasn’t always the case. A few years back, if you met me out and about, I’d seem content, but in reality I was rather unhappy and viewed the world as containing much ugliness and pain.

So what changed?

Many things really, and it’s hard to pinpoint just one. That’s the thing about joy. That’s the thing about positive change. It’s subtle. It comes in, takes root in your heart, and becomes a living, breathing, multifaceted, light-filled force. It fills you, changes you, and impacts those around you.

I decided that there is so much that is beautiful and full of light in this world and I did not want to waste my time mulling over all that is wrong. I wanted to live from this place of spirit and connection with the universe. It came down to realizing that as cliche as it might sound, love really is the answer. It’s as simple as that: Love. Live with love. Live from a place of love. Embody love. Be a light filled being of love.

The more I focused on this, the more I realized how hollow negativity really is, and the fuller I became. Darkness is loud and flashy, but, like a decked out mannequin, when all the designer clothing and jewelry are gone, what’s left is insubstantial, and what was there, though showy, had no real strength to it. The true power lies in love. That’s why I believe that people who hurt others for personal gain will never truly know what it is to feel joy or fullness, because their gains are hollow and have no roots. Those who live with love have an immeasurable inner power that subtly encourages positive shifts and growth in those around them.

And now I am again at a crossroads. I stumbled briefly there, lost sight of that truly important piece. Got too caught up in jumping through hoops to reach a goal I don’t think I even want anymore. So now I’m changing directions. I want to work with others to help them feel full as well. I want to help others connect to the light inside of them and truly feel what it’s like to live from a place of love.

Join me if you’d like. I’m eager to see where this road will take us.

Oh, and just for smiles, take a minute and watch The Pig of Happiness by Edward Monkton.

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Heather is a puddle jumping-crafty-rainbow loving mom working to live her life from a place of love.