So my 100th post eh? Time for a smidgen of reflection perhaps…

Originally when I started this blog, my goal was to post once a day for 100 days…I think I made it to somewhere in the 60s…

I also made a goal of creating once a day…and that didn’t last long either.

Ack…I’m not a fan of making excuses. Life definitely happened, as it does, but I probably could have found a way to finish. I don’t like my newfound knack for starting and stopping a bajillion things…

Woah! Time out! Can I just say that when you’re dog sitting at someone’s house (e.g. It’s just me, my daughter, and two dogs), it is SUPER CREEPY when one of the dogs goes and stands growling at the glass door in the middle of the stormy night. Totally sketched out and much more awake now…yay? :/ how would you type out the noise you make when you get the shivers and are all sketched out? Hubblevubblevibble? Sent a text to the hubs letting him know I was missing his non-creepyness. That’s a compliment, right?

Anyways, what I’ve concluded is:

A) I need to stick with keeping what’s most important to me as my central focus (e.g. being a compassionate human being, spending time with my little ball of sunshine and all the other wonderful people I care about, and living in a way that grows myself, my community and aims at creating a more loving world)

B) I need to make space for creativity, and realize that there are opportunities everywhere

And C) I need to stop taking myself so seriously. I mean really, I think the one word that I say most often these days is poop. I’m not even kidding, it’s fairly mind blowing how often that word shows up in my vocabulary on any given day. Sample typical conversation in my world.

Me: hey Kaja, what’s the cow say?
Kaja: moo
Me: what’s the sheep say?
Kaja: Poo
Me: the sheep says poo? That’s out of control!
Kaja: out catroll! (snicker)

Wow, that was a very tangential and anti-climatic 100th post, but that’s okay (see point C)

Quick updates:

Smoothies happened


Giant hand clapping happened


Dessert making for Thanksgiving happened


Little Bug got sick for a few days 😦


And she learned how to get to the camera and take pictures on the phone


Rice+scoopers+tupperware+laundry basket=awesomeness


Cheesy smile is as fantastic as ever


Happy sigh. I am very grateful for my life.
